all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8AA 24 0 54.977254 -1.712905
NE15 8AB 27 0 54.978294 -1.711773
NE15 8AD 31 0 54.978828 -1.709691
NE15 8AE 22 0 54.979114 -1.708845
NE15 8AH 20 0 54.978823 -1.707441
NE15 8AJ 22 0 54.979953 -1.706683
NE15 8AL 29 0 54.981363 -1.706188
NE15 8AN 26 0 54.979727 -1.709934
NE15 8AP 23 0 54.980539 -1.707554
NE15 8AQ 29 0 54.981824 -1.707185
NE15 8AR 12 0 54.981781 -1.707982
NE15 8AS 13 0 54.982367 -1.708822
NE15 8AT 24 0 54.981551 -1.70964
NE15 8AU 12 0 54.981032 -1.710784
NE15 8AX 13 2 54.980429 -1.710273
NE15 8AY 13 0 54.980288 -1.711446
NE15 8BA 18 0 54.981897 -1.711434
NE15 8BB 45 0 54.981406 -1.716704
NE15 8BD 10 0 54.980988 -1.718582
NE15 8BE 32 0 54.980895 -1.713363